Thursday, May 11, 2023



Crispin Gomes de Jesus addresses the media at a USAID/Timor-Leste NGO Advocacy for Good Governance event as Many Hands One Nation’s advocacy coordinator.

 Last Year MAHON began to expand research and advocacy activities funded by the USAID Agency.

during 2022 MAHON has succeeded in conducting its special research for TVET Access in Timor-Leste. the results of this research have been launched and MAHON has also shared the results of the research with several Timor-Leste government agencies including: SEFOPE as a form of contribution to youth issues in Timor-Leste.

Youth are the future of a country and are eager to establish themselves and become a contributing member of society, but they often face difficulties securing employment. Many Hands One Nation, Counterpart’s partner in the USAID/Timor-Leste NGO Advocacy for Good Governance Activity, advocates for youth and provides job opportunities for young people, such as Crispin Gomes de Jesus, to realize their full potential in contributing to the development of their country. 

Crispim Gomes de Jesus is the research and advocacy coordinator at MAHON he does a good job so that donors are also interested in making a success story and the results have been published on the Counterpart Website. With that in mind, we urge all of you to view this success story via the link we provide below: 

Strengthening Advocacy Through Local Partnership in Timor-Leste : Counterpart

Crispin Gomes de Jesus
speaking at a USAID/Timor-Leste
 NGO Advocacy for Good Governance Activity event.

In addition, MAHON staff are also accredited by ANZ bank after participating in the Financial Literacy ToT on the Money Minded Program.

after being accredited, Crispim helped train several Timor-Leste local NGO staff, including: Forum ONG Timor-Leste-FONGTIL  (the only forum for national and international NGOs in Timor-Leste), Belun , Fundasaun  Hafoun Timor Lorosa'e. read more

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National Parliament 

Secondary Research

Primary Research



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