Many Hands One Nation (MAHON) Foundation asina kontratu ho Embaixador Japaun iha Timor-Leste akompanha husi S.E. Ministro Edukasaun, Joventude no Desportu Dr. Armindo Maia, Vice Ministro da Saùde no Sekretario de Estado Proteção Civil kona-bà projetu Konstrusaun Eskola Bàsica Filiàl Anapal, Suco Molop Municipio Bobonaro. Alèm-de ne'e Embaixador Japaun asina mos projetu hat seluk ho NGO hat iha Embaixada Japaun, Dili, 25 de Março de 2022.
Parabès ba Fundasaun MAHON no agradese ba Povu Japaun.
Many Hands One Nation (MAHON) Foundation Sign the MOU with the Japanness Ambassador in Timor-Leste that accompanied by H.E Minister of Education, Youth and Sport (MEYS), Secretary of State for Civil Protections to support and construct the new school facilities for the EBF Anapal, Molop village in Bobonaro municipality. At the same time, the Embassy of Japan also sign the MOU with three other NGOs on 25th March 2022.
Congratulations MAHON Foundation and Thanks to the people of Japan.